
December 29, 2012

Merry Christmas and a Happy Birthday?

Sometimes I feel claustrophobic with Christmas, my birthday, and New Years back to back. It like a never ending celebration. This year I was reminded that Christmas cards can also double as birthday cards!

In all seriousness, it would be weird having a birthday without a Christmas tree in the living room. There are pros and cons be being born at this time of the year. When I was younger I never really liked it, but it really has grown on me.

Earlier this month I had a bonding experience with my hairdresser. She informed me that her birthday is right next to mine, and then we started a conversation about birthday presents wrapped in Christmas paper. Small talk is great isn't it? "I'm fine with snowmen or snowflakes, but don't you dare wrap it up in Santas!" She actually saves a special roll of Christmas paper for wrapping her friends presents. "They need to know how it feels, right?"

I don't know - I was always taught to NOT repay evil for evil. Haha! I almost told her that...but I refrained.

On a side note: You can wrap my presents in whatever paper you want - I'm used to it! ;)

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