Join the Five Minute Friday party here! Today's word prompt is Reflect
We made it! It is the first week of December.
Most of us are already taking part in the hustle and bustle of Christmas.
Today, I invite you to do something with me.
Just wait. Before you sigh in your head and subconsciously think, "What? You want to add something else my stuffed-to-the-brim agenda?"
Yep. Grab a chair and stay for a while.
Today, we are going to reflect.
Close your eyes, and put life on pause for a minute.
Today, we will recall the goodness of God.
Was 2013 filled with blessings or troubles?
Are you longing to keep the memories alive, or are you trying so hard to forget?
This year was very significant for me. I faced trials, graduated from high school, bought my first DSLR camera, decided to become a full-time Nanny, started dating my favorite person in the world, and wrote a monumental check for my first car. Did you catch all of that?
When I reflect God's presence stands out.
He was there through it all. He listened to me be completely honest with Him. He gave me strength. He answered my prayers. He provided. He changed not. He was enough.
I trust you have also found some positive things that God has done. We serve a faithful God. Is anything too wonderful for Him?
Today, let's commit to living...
In Christ.
December 6, 2013
November 27, 2013
Thanksgiving Day Turkey Craft
I haven't posted a craft for the kiddos in a while. However, I am excited that Turkey Day is just around the corner! I've decided to embrace my role as "babysitter" at Thanksgiving this year. Need a last minute idea that keeps the kids busy? Stick around! ;)
Somewhere in the midst of my paper mess, the turkey beaks changed from orange to yellow. Magic!
If you are doing this craft for a large group of children, I suggest making extras of everything. You will need way more than what you think. Kids have a way of...
If you are doing this craft for a large group of children, I suggest making extras of everything. You will need way more than what you think. Kids have a way of...
1| Running out of items
2| Losing small pieces of paper
These turkeys are ready to go! I just need to find two cute cousins to help assemble them. Something tells me that won't be hard.
Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!
October 21, 2013
Small Things in a Great Way
We were sitting at the memorial service of a life well lived. The room was packed, and there was a wave of happy and sadness mixed together. That's a strange feeling.
The funny thing about funerals is that they cause you to think about death - big shocker right?
You start thinking about what people would say about you. How will you be remembered? Are you using the gifts that Christ has blessed you with to His glory?
Over and over people highlighted that this was someone who encouraged. prayed, and served whoever crossed her path.
She was a person of positive action for Christ. A light bulb went of in my head after hearing these words. This is exactly what the Lord has been teaching me lately.
I think it would be very beneficial for us to live with death in mind. No, I'm not talking about skydiving and rocky mountain climbing. If each one of us could just remember that we are not invincible. Our lives are quickly passing by. What an awesome motivation for us to get out there and actually DO something for Christ.
Not to just consider - but to take action. Jesus was a great example of this in John 6:38, "For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me." He understood that His Father's will ultimately meant taking our cross upon Him. I think it is safe to say that Christ lived with His death in mind.
So, let me ask you again. How are you using your spiritual gifts? Take a moment to really think about this. What would that day look like if you gave your to-do list to God?
If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.
Let's make serving each other part of our character, not just a part of our good reputation that must stay intact.
Let's start living like we believe that He is the way, the truth, and the life - Our life.
And at the end of the day, may we truly be able to say, "Follow me as I follow Christ."
The funny thing about funerals is that they cause you to think about death - big shocker right?
You start thinking about what people would say about you. How will you be remembered? Are you using the gifts that Christ has blessed you with to His glory?
Over and over people highlighted that this was someone who encouraged. prayed, and served whoever crossed her path.
She was a person of positive action for Christ. A light bulb went of in my head after hearing these words. This is exactly what the Lord has been teaching me lately.
I think it would be very beneficial for us to live with death in mind. No, I'm not talking about skydiving and rocky mountain climbing. If each one of us could just remember that we are not invincible. Our lives are quickly passing by. What an awesome motivation for us to get out there and actually DO something for Christ.
Not to just consider - but to take action. Jesus was a great example of this in John 6:38, "For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me." He understood that His Father's will ultimately meant taking our cross upon Him. I think it is safe to say that Christ lived with His death in mind.
So, let me ask you again. How are you using your spiritual gifts? Take a moment to really think about this. What would that day look like if you gave your to-do list to God?
If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.
Let's make serving each other part of our character, not just a part of our good reputation that must stay intact.
Let's start living like we believe that He is the way, the truth, and the life - Our life.
And at the end of the day, may we truly be able to say, "Follow me as I follow Christ."
September 22, 2013
Fall Time Pumpkin Cake
We have been making this recipe since 2006! I think it was originally from Kraft Food & Family Magazine, but you know how that goes. We have a few recipes that have been written down on so many cards. There's a reason they are called family favorites! After describing this dessert to our guests, they usually give us a questionable look. It's always a good sign when they end up taking seconds. ;)
1 (18.25 oz.) Betty Crocker yellow cake mix
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup oil
1 (15 oz.) can of pumpkin
1/4 cup water
1 tsp cinnamon
4 large eggs or 1 cup liquid egg substitute
1 Cool Whip for topping (optional)
- Preheat oven to 350° F
- Lightly grease the bottom of a 9x13" glass pan. A standard size Bundt pan, or two 9-inch cake pans could also be used.
- In a large bowl mix together the yellow cake mix, sugar, oil, pumpkin, water, cinnamon, and eggs. Beat until well blended.
- Transfer to the baking dish or cake pans.
- Bake at 350° F for 45 minutes, cool on wire rack.
- Serve and top with Cool Whip.
Wishing a happy Autumn to all of my followers. Let me know if you try the cake!
September 19, 2013
Retro Metro Bag Review & Updates
Hey guys! How was your Summer? Mine flew by! (it happens every time) I can hardly believe that it is already September. Temps in the 60s, and you know what that meaaans. #cozyclothes
2| My Thirty-One gifts Metro Retro Bag. This goes along with my surgery. At the time there was a fundraiser going on, and I felt it was necessary to buy myself a reward for facing my fears. I chose to have a special saying embroidered on the front. It's a reminder to stay positive. Even when life knocks you down, it is possible to never lose your smile! A little babycakes taught me that. This tote ended up being larger than I pictured, but it has quickly become my "go to bag" as I run out the door. Take a peek inside - there is a pocket for my phone, a spot for my lens cap, and a very handy clip for keys. I'm giving it two thumbs up!
3| A new book. I picked up a copy of Grace for the Good Girl back in December. I had plans to read it after I graduated. It's interesting that I always put reading off when it's nice outside. Now that it's getting colder outside, I just want to curl up with a good book. I started reading the first chapter today, and I can already tell that this is going to be a convicting read. There's nothing wrong with that! In order to change, you have to know what's wrong in the first place.
August 2, 2013
Reasons to Smile: July 2013
A monthly refection using pictures that might not have been seen otherwise. Finding joy in the little things!
Hanging out with Babers. Yes, that is one of his many nicknames!
A whole newspaper article about the birth of cows - is this a Wisconsin thing?
Guys, red shoes! The Pope might refuse to wear them, but I think they are pretty cool.
The Milwaukee Art Museum on a Saturday morning - even if I did get yelled at for touching the art.
Honestly, I forgot it was art! The piece looked like a fancy garbage can. ;)
This girl on repeat!
Sugar cookies aren't just for Christmas
Playing Dutch Blitz with my best friend
Colorful dinners that are deliciously healthy
Praying for God's direction in life. If there's a road I should walk can you help me find it?
July 29, 2013
My checkbook cover makes me smile.
I know Chevron is so popular right now, (seriously, Charlie Brown was ahead of his time) but allow me to introduce you to my wallet and checkbook. Aren't they the perfect pair?
One of my favorite bloggers owns an adorable etsy shop that is currently selling checkbook covers. She also is donating 20% of all profits to Africa Renewal Ministries. Paige did a super, awesome job sewing this little number. I have a slight obsession with Navy blue, and the vintage bird fabric is great.
With these little beauties in hand, I can shop till I drop. Juuust kidding! I have the hardest time actually spending my money, but that's another blog post for another day. I hope you are all having a good Monday!
With these little beauties in hand, I can shop till I drop. Juuust kidding! I have the hardest time actually spending my money, but that's another blog post for another day. I hope you are all having a good Monday!
Yellow Wallet // Kohls
Checkbook Cover // The Spotted Fawn
July 25, 2013
Purity in A Spent World
This subject that has been on my mind for the last couple of weeks, and not just because I entered a relationship. From the start I haven't taken the idea of dating lightly. I wasn't going to date a guy if I couldn't see a future with him. And that's where purity comes into play. Someday, when I walk down the aisle, I want to be worthy of wearing that white dress.
To me it just makes sense.
Purity is God loving you, and you loving Him back.
It originates from a wholehearted love for the Lord, and that's where needs to start. God desires your heart and obedience right now. Whether you are engaged, dating, or wearing the single status proudly.
There are people that might see abstinence as leaving no room for pleasure. In reality, it is God saying, "Trust me. I love you more than anyone could. Follow my original design for sex, you won't be disappointed."
“When God calls on you to pursue purity, you are not being asked to do what will deprive you of joy. In fact, you are being called to do what will bring you the greatest joy! To choose purity is to put yourself under God’s blessing.” -Randy Alcorn
Our souls were made for Christ - Nothing else is big enough to satisfy us as God intended. (Psalm 16:11) Remaining pure becomes increasingly easier as your focus on God. He should always come first. Yeah, my boyfriend and I love each other, but our love for God will always be greater.
That's not to say that temptation won't be there if you love God "enough". I'm a big believer in not making provision for the flesh as Paul mentions in Romans 13:14. Flee fornication and protect your thoughts! Lust is a sneaky and consuming thing. However, it is important to note that God is bigger!
Wait for that person that will protect both of your hearts. A desire for purity is an awesome quality to have. Together you will be encouraging each other's spiritual best, not tempting each other into moral failure. After all, it's about more than feelings and emotions. The ultimate purpose of any relationship is to honor and glorify God.
July 12, 2013
Five Minute Friday: Present
I'm linking up with Lisa-Jo. Don't be afraid to leave a comment if you're new! Today's word prompt is Present
I'm starting this post with a quote that I just love! In today's day and age everyone seems to be half way there. In our attempt to be connected, but are often tuned out. Pssst! It's okay to disconnect for a while. Don't be afraid to be fully where you are. Who might see a opportunity that you might have otherwise missed. *end of rant*
"Wherever you are, be all there." -Jim Elliot
Last week was great. I had the love of my life right next to me. Laptops were turned off, and we enjoyed being together. It was nice to be all there. Instead of constantly wondering what Kev was up to. I was fully present and cherished each moment. Saying goodbye was the hardest things I've ever had to do.
We're back in two different states now, struggling as we figure out how we ever lived apart. It's hard not having him right next to me. We were shown a glimpse of the future, and now we have to be patient. I was just reading screenies from a couple years ago. It's funny how some things never change.
We need to be fully present where the Lord has us, even if that isn't with each other. It is a test of faith for sure!
July 2, 2013
He's coming!!
Four years is a long time. We having been praying about meeting, and tomorrow is the big day! I'm kind of freaking out right now. He's actually in the same state as me. We're talking miles away people!
I love the 4th of July, and it is going to be even better with him by my side. Eeeek! Who knows if I'll be able to sleep tonight. I'm so thankful for the doors God has opened. Our friends and family have been so supportive. We did it, Kev! All in good time, All in God's time.
Life has felt like a dream as I have been counting down the days. The crazy thing it, it's not! :D What am I looking forward to most? That first hug! I'm so excited.
July 1, 2013
Abide in Me
Happy July! After spending some time in God's Word this morning, I thought I would share what I have been doing for my devotions. Kait introduced me to the She Reads Truth community recently, and I have been loving it!
My personal quiet time had been lacking after graduating. I used to always read a devotional geared towards teens. Unfortunately, our church stops handing them out once you are 18. Anyway, SRT is what's working for me now!
My personal quiet time had been lacking after graduating. I used to always read a devotional geared towards teens. Unfortunately, our church stops handing them out once you are 18. Anyway, SRT is what's working for me now!
This morning we were in John 15:1-11. I love this book of the Bible. Two years ago, I attended a Bible study that covered the whole book of John. I'm still reaping the benefits of that. This is why it's realllly important to take notes. You'll be surprised how much more you remember!
I read the words "Abide in Me" and a certain song started playing in my head. Look up Abide With Me by Page CXVI. You'll be glad you did!
So, how are you abiding in Christ today? Let's make an effort to bear fruit. (v. 1-8) The nature of this fruit includes your character, conduct, and witnessing to the lost. Our fruit is a reflection of who we really are.
So, how are you abiding in Christ today? Let's make an effort to bear fruit. (v. 1-8) The nature of this fruit includes your character, conduct, and witnessing to the lost. Our fruit is a reflection of who we really are.
Galatians 5:22-24 is a great passage that walks about the fruit of a Christian.
But how do we produce fruit?
1) By being cleansed daily with the Word (v. 2-3)
2) By abiding in Christ (v. 4-9)
Christ ends in our text by reminding us to love the brethren - Continue in His love!
He also encourages the disciples in verse 11. "These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full."
As Christians we can have true joy when we are obeying Christ, and taking our responsibility seriously.
June 14, 2013
Five Minute Friday: Listen
Hi friends! I'm linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five Minute Friday. I did a quick Navi doodle for the Legend of Zelda fans that read my blog. Today's word prompt is Listen.
I didn't have anything to say, but I dialed the numbers on the phone anyway. I wanted to listen to that familiar voice. The one that is always there for me. Hearing the word, "Goodnight." with a smile that can be heard from miles away. It's always worth it.
And then there are moments where I need to vent. He doesn't have to have all the answers. Problems don't need to be solved. It's just nice to have someone that actually listens.
Every relationship is built upon trust and communication. Listening is HUGE.
Don't interrupt.
Show patience.
Be that shoulder to cry on.
Have a heart that understands.
I didn't have anything to say, but I dialed the numbers on the phone anyway. I wanted to listen to that familiar voice. The one that is always there for me. Hearing the word, "Goodnight." with a smile that can be heard from miles away. It's always worth it.
And then there are moments where I need to vent. He doesn't have to have all the answers. Problems don't need to be solved. It's just nice to have someone that actually listens.
Every relationship is built upon trust and communication. Listening is HUGE.
Don't interrupt.
Show patience.
Be that shoulder to cry on.
Have a heart that understands.
Sometimes listening is better than anything you can say.
June 13, 2013
Advice Jar
Recently, I asked my Grandpa if he would start writing little notes of advice/encouragement as one of my graduation presents. Most people have these cute jars at their party, but we chose to keep our celebration nice and small. Where in the world would I get all that helpful advice? Hmmm, my grandparents have been here a while!
I was excited when they showed up at our house with a container full of folded paper in the backseat! Grandpa even let me transfer them into my glass jar early, but only after I promised not to peek. This gift will be cherished! I'm sure of it.
- While shopping I saw some keys in the scrapbooking aisle. I liked the idea, but they only came in a pack of five. I decided to take a look by the jewelry charms and sure enough! There was a great, silver key waiting for me there.
- I thought it would be fun to add some ribbon from my actual graduation. (Each of the graduates handed their teacher a white rose with royal blue bow tied around it) This brought the whole project together, and it included another one of my graduation colors!
- Baker's twine is always a good idea! I grabbed some that was sitting on my desk. I'm pretty sure it was wrapping from a recent etsy purchase. I'm cheap like that! ;)
June 7, 2013
Five Minute Friday: Fall
I'm linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five Minute Friday! Join in on the fun! Today's word prompt is Fall.
It was a perfect evening to go outside and weed. A chore everyone loves to do! I headed out back and started tackling the hill that we don't walk quite as much as we used to.
Every time I weed, I think about an illustration I once heard about dealing with sin. We need to get the whole root, and make sure we fill the void with something good.
Breaking sinful habit is never easy. When we try to fight on our own we lose focus. Satan's lies are believed, and we quickly find ourselves right back at square one.
Just the other day I was studying Israel. In the past I almost laughed at them as they wondered the desert. How could they so easily forget God and turn from Him? Now I realize that I am just like the individuals of this nation. Picture a circle and draw four points around it. Israel followed this cycle.
1) Rejection of God
2) God delivered them into the hands of their enemies
3) Israel repented
4) They fell back into Sin
Anyone with a sinful nature knows this cycle too. We forget God in our sin.
"Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall." 1 Corinthians 10:12
But there is hope and grace. We can rise from these ashes. Verse 13 goes on to say that God is faithful! He will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we are able to withstand. We can escape the trap of falling, get off the merry-go-round, but only with God's help. Resisting the devil = drawing near to our Savior.
Tonight is a wonderful night to remove unwanted things. Whether it's a sin that keeps repeating itself in your life, or weeds in your backyard.
June 5, 2013
Broken and Burdened
I lay awake as the colors of my room fade away into black and white. The red numbers of my alarm clock shine in solitude. They remind me that I have two days left.
I stare at the cold wall next to my pillow.
I'm not ready, Lord. Infectious smiles and giggles have found a way into my heart. It will be strange not seeing their faces everyday. They wait all day to share their stories with me. Who is going to intently listen?
A tear slips down my cheek.
You've called me to another place. I'm willing to go, but it's not easy. When they quietly mention not knowing what they're going to do next heart breaks. If it were up to me I'd agree to another year in an instant.
Rain falls outside my open window.
You carefully remind me that there is another family needs a Full-time Nanny. It's not the first time You have brought this to my attention. It's a hard thing to explain.
I pray that I have planted the right seeds, and shown Your amazing love. I've tried my best to teach lessons and ended up learning a few myself. It's been a good run. Show me where you need me to go. May the right doors be opened, and others be locked tight. You hold the keys to this life.
Broken and Burdened,
I stare at the cold wall next to my pillow.
I'm not ready, Lord. Infectious smiles and giggles have found a way into my heart. It will be strange not seeing their faces everyday. They wait all day to share their stories with me. Who is going to intently listen?
A tear slips down my cheek.
You've called me to another place. I'm willing to go, but it's not easy. When they quietly mention not knowing what they're going to do next heart breaks. If it were up to me I'd agree to another year in an instant.
Rain falls outside my open window.
You carefully remind me that there is another family needs a Full-time Nanny. It's not the first time You have brought this to my attention. It's a hard thing to explain.
I pray that I have planted the right seeds, and shown Your amazing love. I've tried my best to teach lessons and ended up learning a few myself. It's been a good run. Show me where you need me to go. May the right doors be opened, and others be locked tight. You hold the keys to this life.
Broken and Burdened,
May 31, 2013
A Wish Your Heart Makes
Dream. There are times I cringe at the word. Yeah I know. I should have a future ahead of me that I've been dreaming about my whole life. With graduation around the corner *ahem* TOMORROW, many cards will boldly tell me to follow MY dreams. That's all fine and dandy, but can I trust myself enough to do that?
Am I the only one that feels this is on the risky side? Too many people today get so caught up with the desires of their heart. God ends up at the sidelines, waiting to give direction to the ones who need it most.
Here's the problem.
Dreaming without God's involvement is pointless.
My heart knows what makes me happy, but what will bring lasting joy?
It's almost like a kid in the candy store. Grandpa allows him to pick out any candy he wants. The child proceeds to eat every last piece, but is left with a tummy ache and regrets.
If we were truly honest with ourselves, I think everyone would admit that they don't know what's best. But there is beauty in knowing the One who does. He's the Alpha and Omega!
I was just reading a graduation book called If God Gave You a Graduation Speech by Jay Payleitner. I came across a checklist at the end of the book.
1) Put Me first.
2) Live in Scripure
3) Listen to the Spirit
Then follow your heart.
Isn't that the truth. Psalm 16:11 says, "Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore."
May 25, 2013
Memorial Day Flag Craft
Before the hustle and bustle of Memorial Day weekend, the kids sat down for their weekly craft.
We got our hands messy and created this American flag with handprints and polka dots!
I read the story Memorial Day Surprise by Theresa Martin Golding. It focused on the best part of Memorial Day parades. No, it's not the firetrucks, friends, or CANDY! Memorial day is about honoring those who served our country. We took a few minutes to talk about our family members that were in the war. Here's to the start of a long weekend!
May 24, 2013
Five Minute Friday: View
Get ready for an emotional Five Minute Friday post. I'm mourning the loss of someone I didn't even know. I probably should stop watching heartbreaking documentaries like this. Today's word prompt is View.
I own a couple bracelets that are green and purple. As I get dressed, I slide one on to support a little sweetie named Taylor Hall. She has really opened my eyes to the world of childhood cancer.
Their stories inspire. I wish I could revise the words on their pages to make them not have to battle so hard. It really changes your view. Suddenly you're thinking, "I don't want to wait until that's me. I need to tell all of the people in my life that I love them. Before it's too late."
God takes so many good people away from us. It is a part of His omniscient plan. I'm not sure we will ever understand why.
Did He need them more?
Was their time on earth really finished?
It's hard to let go.
The truth is we aren't invincible. Our time is limited.
May 17, 2013
Five Minute Friday: Song
I'm linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five Minute Friday. This week feels like I'm chasing the ice cream truck after searching frantically for my money. Wait for me guys! I'm coming! Today's word prompt is Song.
I have been hearing this song by Building 429 on the radio recently. It never fails to pump me up! I can't help but think of the graduates in my class. I've know them for years. This needs to be a statement of our lives. WE WON'T BE SHAKEN. A couple nights ago at youth group a rhetorical question was brought up, "Look around you. Who will be here in 10 years?" It sparked my interest.
"Researchers found that almost three out of five young Christians (59%) leave church life either permanently or for an extended period of time after age 15." -USA Today
While this fact saddens me, I see it all too often. Not just with teens, but also with adults that I once looked up to. Our youth leader encouraged us to make sure that we aren't just focusing everyone around us. "Will you still be here?"
To the class of 2013, don't be part of the statistic above. Please. Please. Please! Remain burdened to live a life in obedience to Christ. Keep your heart open to what He has for you.
I once had a person tell me that I'd walk away from Jesus and religion someday. Challenge accepted. I don't see this happening any time soon! :)
This world has nothing for me
This life is not my own
I know You go before me and I am not alone
This mountain rises higher
The way seems so unclear
But I know that You go with me so I will never fear
I will trust in You
Whatever will come our way
Through fire or pouring rain
We won't be shaken
No we won't be shaken
Whatever tomorrow brings
Together we'll rise and sing
That we won't be shaken
No we won't be shaken
May 16, 2013
Scrappy Mother's Day Craft
The kids and I made books for their mother last Friday!
Supplies: Three paper bags (per book), ribbon, a glue stick, hole punch, lined paper, white paper, scrapbook paper scraps, five of your favorite photos, stamps (optional), A Happy Mother's Day image found via
I recalled making this books with a neighbor when I was little. My friend's mother was really into all things scrapbooking. I looked up a tutorial to refresh my memory. It can be found here.
Gather your supplies and start cutting! Depending on the age of your kids this craft is pretty customizable.
The kids I worked with were ages 5-8, and I did a lot of gluing ahead of time. They just had to write five things about their Mother and color pictures on the blank pieces of paper. The boys weren't too happy about having a writing assignment, but they got into after a while. Everyone loved "secret pocket" that hid their drawings.
Note: This was a lot of work for one day. It might be more enjoyable to have the kids work on it a few times during the week.
Have fun and happy crafting!
May 13, 2013
Wisdom from Motherhood
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My mom holding me! |
Yesterday we celebrated Mother's Day! I was hanging out in the kitchen with my Super Mom and asked if I could interview her. She hesitated. After telling her the topic of my questions her face instantly changed as she said, "Oh, okay!" It was cute.
What is your favorite part of being a mother? Watching my kids love the Lord and grow up godly. And to think that I might have had a part in that makes me very happy.
A number of seasoned moms wish they could go back and do things differently. What is one thing you would change? I would take better care of myself! I didn't have time to exercise, so I gained weight. My kids took priority over myself. I would also work on my marriage more.
What would stay the same? My homeschooling - giving up my career as a Special Ed. Teacher to stay at home.
What is a silly memory that made you happy to be a mom? I was getting gas recently on the way to the mall with my daughter. It was an unfamiliar station, and I needed swipe my card before pumping the gas. I ended up sticking my credit card in the receipt slot instead! After explaining my story to the Indian man behind the counter, he came outside to investigate."Where did you put the card?" He asked. I pointed to the slot. He ran back inside to get the key. Eventually we got my card back. My daughter was embarrassed, but she stayed calm. We laughed. What else can you do?
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Grandma holding my mom |
Define a good mother. Trying to be like the Proverbs 31 woman. Pleasing God and passing on the character traits found in the Bible.
How can children show honor to their mothers? By not thinking about themselves all the time. It would also help if they weren't so involved in their gadgets.
What advice would you tell a new mother on this special day? Time goes by so fast - enjoy it! Don't be too busy. Take lots of photos and write things down.
May 10, 2013
Five Minute Friday: Comfort
I'm linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five Minute Friday. Thanks for stopping by! Today's word prompt is Comfort.
If you're not willing to look stupid, nothing great is ever going to happen to you. I just got back from recording my graduation speech. For the last couple of days I told myself that, "I've got this!" Things were a little different once I finally got there. I took a moment to breathe and prayed a little prayer asking God for comfort. After giving it a second try, I left the sound room feeling satisfied. The person in charge even told me that I'm a great writer. Who knew??
Comfort makes me think of cozy bed sheets. I love climbing into my bed after a long, stressful day.
Yes, I still sleep with a stuffed animal. His name is Goober. This silly bear was a gift from my best friend who happens to live in Oregon. Kevin comforts me, but he also lives miles away. It's not always easy!
There are a million things I could worry about tonight. I find comfort in knowing that God has it all in His hands.
1) God should be your greatest source of comfort
2) Friends come next
If you have both - you are blessed x2!
May 3, 2013
Five Minute Friday: Giant Killer
I'm excited start Five Minute Fridays! No, really! I've been waiting all week. Today's word prompt is Brave.
Imagine you are sitting in the middle of a field tending to your sheep. Your father comes by to ask a favor of you. Will you deliver this lunch to your older brothers who are busy at battle? You agree not knowing that there is a giant awaiting your arrival.
You rise early in the morning to find a babysitter for the sheep and start walking. Growing up your brothers haven't always been the nicest to you. It's a quiet walk.
You gaze downward and see trenches from the wagon wheels.
The battle lines. You've made it.
You talk with the men standing around you. They tell you of a champion who is mocking your God. Your oldest brother accuses you of being irresponsible. "Why would you leave your sheep in the wilderness to watch a battle?" he yells. Your response is humble, but Saul sends for you anyway.
Now is your chance.
You can fight the Philistine!
Past victories encourage you to take a stand.
We all know how the story ends. David prevails against Goliath with Lord's help and his trusty sling shot.
What are the unknown giants that you facing today? Are you going take a stand? Obedience requires a brave and willing heart. God will fight your battles for you. Be Encouraged.
April 22, 2013
The First 100 Gifts
Around Christmas time I picked up 1,000 gifts. If you have not heard of it you've pretty much been living under a rock! ;) I've been making my way through this book in a relaxed manner. I would love to sit down every night and plow through my stack of books "to read", but Senior year has been busy!
Even at the slow pace that I have been reading, this book has been great. It helped me continue to see God's blessings over the past couple of weeks. Believe me when I say that they weren't the easiest days to get through.
So many sentences have hit home, and I'm not even half way through! I've been having a hard time not spamming my friend's news feeds with Ann Voskamp quotes every time I sit down with the book.
"God gives gifts and I give thanks and I unwrap the gift given: joy." page 56
I couldn't stop smiling when Ann wrote about the time she took macro pictures of a pile of cheese. Her husband (a farmer) walked in from working hard outside. She was afraid that he wouldn't understand why she was thanking God for shredded cheese.
"I like finding you like this." He said putting on arm around her.
"Crazy like this?" She said blushing in silliness. With a laugh he says, "Perfect like this." He nodded toward the plate of cheese "You being happy in all these little things that God gives. It makes me very happy."
*dies from the cuteness* Lord, can I please have this kind of husband someday?
On March 31, I started making my own list. It's been fun finding the next gift to write down. For those of you that are interested, I have decided to share my first 100 gifts here on my blog. Come back to this post for continual updates on the list!
- fresh daisies from people who care
- cows on a hill
- a resurrection to celebrate
- unconditional love
- Goober
- finding stickers on my jeans
- tutus that bring smiles
- being called sweetie
- warm sun rays on a cold day
- friends that share a love for photography
- Sunday naps
- the first Robin of spring
- sock monkeys
- the comfort of a mother
- April showers outside my window
- holding a tiny newborn baby
- the art of patience learned over a lifetime
- my dog's soft head and wiggly tail
- homemade trail mix
- cozy sweatshirts
- we don't belong here
- Lucy notes
- memorizing my life verse in kindergarten
- high fives from the little boy I just met
- basketball games during business meetings
- graduating with people I've grown up with
- blessings God has allowed
- throwing my graduation cap
- opening a new jar of peanut butter
- Grandpa's large hands holding Mancala stones
- bare feet on freshly washed tile
April 15, 2013
Outdoors at Last!
With exception of a few snow days, we've been stuck inside for months. It was nice to FINALLY get outside. The grass was still on the muddy side, but these kiddos needed to get some energy out. We had a case of cabin fever at its finest.
Lucy could not pull her rain boots on fast enough! She quickly zoomed off on her beloved princess bike. It must have been nice to feel the wind in her hair again.
The boys wanted to help pick up pine cones in the yard. Partly because of the game they were playing. Note: I love hearing them talk in their own imaginary worlds. Cocoa and I decided to pick up sticks while the kids played. I wanted to keep the sticks inside my bucket. She seemed to have other plans...
We cannot forget Buck! He was happy to have some company as he frolicked through the grass. Rain or shine, snow or sleet, this dog loves to be outside. How have you been enjoying Spring?
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